Registration Email Addresses - Solved

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admin Great Britain
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Registration Email Addresses - Solved

Post by admin »

Hi all, at the moment there is an issue with Microsoft based email addresses (,, and MSO365 hosted email) in that they are not being delivered to the recipients, this is an issue outside of our control it has been reported to the appropriate parties.

Bare with us and we will try and manually activate new accounts till this gets fixed.

In the mean time if you wish to sign up all other email providers appear to be working okay, GMAIL, etc.

We are monitoring this and will update as soon as more info is available.
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Decker Great Britain
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Re: Registration Email Addresses

Post by Decker »

For the moment this issue now seems to be resolved, fingers crossed it stays that way :)
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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Decker Great Britain
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Re: Registration Email Addresses

Post by Decker »

Due to ongoing issues with this by our transit provider we have brought a new server online and will be migrating the forums to the new server in the next day or two, the outage will be approximately 15 minutes as we'll need to put the forums into maintenance to protect the database during the move.

If you try and access the forums in this downtime you'll see either the maintenance page or a blank page or possibly a site not found, but this will correct itself in a few minutes so please check back soon.

We try and keep any downtime to an absolute minimum but it's the internet and we only have a certain amount of control over what happens :)
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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Decker Great Britain
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Re: Registration Email Addresses

Post by Decker »

Move completed, if you had tried accessing and got a not found or similar error it was due to a glitch in DNS propagation where it reverted to the old server for some unknown reason, most likely a rogue entry somewhere.

There should be no more issues with email addresses now.
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
Dog Tag: f8f16c