Stranded Event - 26th May 2021

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admin Great Britain
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Stranded Event - 26th May 2021

Post by admin »

Well here we go for another one, Stage 1 Chapter 1 didn't inspire confidence the weapon will be useful, and the upgrade requirements have been upped from last round, pics below.
exotic3.PNG (270.85 KiB) Viewed 7958 times
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Decker Great Britain
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

Slow to reload and looks like we have armoured tangos again - meh!
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

Upgrade requirements Lvl 2->3
UG.PNG (114.85 KiB) Viewed 7933 times
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

Thanks Decker, looks like we will need the same amount of part as we did the Lucky Barrage
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

I think your right with that, as the weapon on upgrading is behaving the same as Luck Barrage did in not actually seeming to gain any power.

So looks like the same template has been used, again!
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

Another upgrade completed and still no sign of weapon power increasing, WFT!!!
Upgrade requirements for Lvl 3->4 below for reference.
lvl3-4.PNG (109.67 KiB) Viewed 7914 times
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

Another upgrade and still no perceived increase in weapon power.

Still taking 5 shots to take out a boat in stage 1, fire an reload speed is atrocious, as is the stability (or rather lack of stability).

I'm not even sure if it's worth keeping going with this one, anyway parts requirement for Lvl 4 -> 5 below.
Lvl4-5.PNG (103.53 KiB) Viewed 7905 times
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by GWD »

From Day 1 it has taken 5 shots to kill a boat without a critical hit. This after several weapon updates. (As already observed herein.)

And 70% completion to get the weapon? Is that 70% of the weapon's value or 70% of the upgrades? The weapon started at about 70% or so of its total hit strength. The usual upgrade to win the weapon is 50% of the upgrades.
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

This event weapon is the worst I can remember, the rate of fire (you need to adjust your aim after every shot with stability upgraded to 50%, that's only 2 levels to go and it's still rubbish) and slow reload is making this one a nightmare in use, and that's only on Chapter 3.

I'm working my way up the open chapter now to see where I get stalled waiting for more upgrades, 5 done so far and there is no way I'm throwing packs or a deputy at it at this stage.
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

With 6 upgrades done Chapter 6 Mission 2 needs another upgrade, then you can complete Chapter 6 probably start Chapter 7, we'll see tomorrow when that chapter opens.

If it goes that way it looks like a couple more than the usual 11 upgrades will be needed.

Still not loving it though.
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

If it runs as usual, you will need to have completed 14 out of the 20 upgrades to get the weapon. I'm like you Decker, not wasting anything on this POS, if I get it all well if not it is just another part of the game that I won't be playing.
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

Well like a plum I upgraded again before starting Chapter 7, must have gotten all excited that I could, so can't say if the last round was just for stage 1, I'll try and control myself for the next chapters... But with the additional upgrade you can only go as far as Chapter 7 Mission 3, ANOTHER upgrade is required to play Mission 4 and there is the usual cores shortage!

Chapter 7 starts to show the weakness of the weapon, I tried Mission 1 (boats) with tough Bunny and Barrage DOES NOT recharge on a kill (no affinity so fair warned if you plan on using it twice) and the last 3 boats are about at target by the time you deal with the SM's, with this gun there is not enough time to take out the 3 boats.

Changed to AG gear for slo-time bonus and managed the mission, but I can see even that not being enough in later chapters.

2nd mission (protect) needs the slo-time too for the last few, mission 3 barrage is better after the first wave of drones and take out the first 2 SM's as the rest of the drones come out at once along with the last SM.
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

Manged to do the first IR upgrade and completed the Chapter (fingers off the upgrade button for now), so Missions 4 & 5 (protect & boats) both doable with TB and using barrage to finish off the missions.

I still think it's going to be swapping between TB & AG for the assigned bonuses, and that additional upgrades are very much on the cards, 9 done so far and 3 more chapters to go guessing at least 2 for each going from 11 (if I remember right) to 16 upgrades, which for this weapon is atrocious, although who knows what GameLoft will do with it after the event...
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

With current upgrades I can do up to Chapter 8 Mission 1 then it's upgrade time again, getting even more fed up as it's very close to the bone clearing a mission at this level, obviously planned for a load of consumables to be used up completing missions.

Next upgrade done (that's 10 so far) and completed Chapter 8, if it keeps going the same way I'm expecting to get asked to upgrade after the first mission, if that's the same for Chapter 10 +1 for the last mission then that would make it 13 upgrades needed rather than the usual 11.

Newer players without useful gear sets are going to burn through consumables something rotten.
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Re: 26th May 2021 - Stranded Event

Post by Decker »

Well proved wrong again, can't even do the first mission of Chapter 9 without another upgrade so it's anyone's guess as to how many still need to be done.
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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