Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

Do You Think The Game Is Still Full Of Cheats?

Yep - and it shows frequently.
Not sure - sometimes I'm pretty sure there was a hacked account I played against/attacked my base.
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No way - this game is as pure as driven snow!
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Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

Post by Decker »

Well the first one for this subject.

Player 'Darken' clan 'Rebel One' (United States), presents to PvP and differing set of SM's are actually on field, check player and all account details blanked/zero no dog tag nothing, all the other players in that clan 'appear' normal.
Capture.PNG (542.14 KiB) Viewed 9352 times
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

Post by Decker »

Since when were we able to customise our bases??? Not surprisingly this ones a hidden base too. Cough, cough, GameLoft...
base.PNG (669.92 KiB) Viewed 9297 times
player.PNG (622.24 KiB) Viewed 9297 times
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

Post by GWD »

I believe all hidden bases appear like your screenshot if you don't choose the "reveal base" app on your avatar. If you reveal the base, it switches back to the usual base configuration.

Try another hidden base to see if that is still the situation. In the past, there were a lot more of them. Now they are rare.

The player only has a 11% base defense ratio so is taking a lot of losses. Maybe that is why he/she decided to hide the base.
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

Post by Decker »

I'd never noticed it before on hidden bases, but I think it would explain it although it would have been time better spent fixing bugs than adding effects most will never see.

I'm seeing a lot of hidden bases now, more than there used to be, but that could be server dependent too.
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

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When there were no so many "weird" SMs, I used to attack hidden bases with impunity so saw the altered rooms often. The second room is particularly interesting. The function is identical but the graphics can set a player off a bit.

Nowadays, with the different shields, headless, and other perks, I am much more cautious and use the "reveal base" app every time. That is, only when there is a lot of gold at stake or an unusual amount of trophies. Otherwise they are just skipped for a bit of gold.
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

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I normally skip them too for the same reasons, this time I got distracted and clicked without revealing the base by accident :roll: but I have seen bases look like this and some with even more changes that were NOT hidden, so either SF is so screwed up that major graphics modifications occur at random, or there's some players out there not playing a straight game, which doesn't make them great just sad and pathetic that they can't play a game normally, and GameLoft come off as stupid for not spotting them...
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

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Keep an eye out for this one, twice attacked my base with average gear and weapons that should in no way be able to take my base down, first due to having a strong headless SM and second simply down to weapon power, and no boosts are use, I'd call it highly suspect...
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2.PNG (158.01 KiB) Viewed 9246 times
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

I think we have another in Clan GRSK User Psycho, shows up the same with no details and not in a Clan
Physcho.png (316.29 KiB) Viewed 9236 times
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

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I've came across a few like that, all in clans but with zero'd details, but waiting for GameLoft to sort them out is a bit pointless they never do.
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

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Base attack with the new handgun and it actually won, no smegging way did that gun take down my base unaided (in short guess what)!
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

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And another one, gear decidedly average and a headshot only weapon SoT takes down a base with a strong headless for starters!

This players config simply can't take my base down, no matter how good a player they are.
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

Post by Decker »

When did this become possible against a high level base???
wtf.PNG (146.3 KiB) Viewed 8958 times
Or am I missing something basic?

I tried it myself on my own base and got no where near taking it down, not even 1 SM.

Even stranger this player owns the Defroster and the VD event is over, so just why, I know I can get easily confused but this one is a puzzler from my point of view...
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

Post by GWD »

What?!!! Cheating in the game???

It just can't be. Ask any of the moderators on Discord or any of the GL stooges (AKA Developers) that happen to drop by. They work hard to eliminate such things (according to them).

I think that the base of the problem is that Clans and Arena are so fouled up that most of GL's effort is to put out the several spot fires that occur on a daily basis...both bugs and cheats. PVP has taken a back seat to those efforts and has been set adrift. They don't make much money on the PVP platform. All that can be done is report it to CS and wait several weeks to get a generic reply. Maybe they will send the "if you don't like what is happening then leave" reply.
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

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I get the feeling they gave up long ago!
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Re: Suspected Cheats/Hacked Accounts

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And here we go again, player with 2 active weapons a region 1 sniper and assault no others showing in profile, surprisingly they have a base take down of 97%, just how does that happen???
cheat.PNG (161.01 KiB) Viewed 8565 times
player.PNG (660.14 KiB) Viewed 8565 times
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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