Bug Reports

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Decker Great Britain
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

The farcical 'lag' in Clan Wars just went beyond ridiculous.
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Re: Bug Reports

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Well, the new Exotic event is bugged up. The weapon can't be upgraded. Seems like it is always something. GL says that it is on it. That was 3 hours ago. (Not posted in exotic event channel because of below).

My videos are all dead. Nothing to be had in any part of the game. Started 24 hours ago. Nobody else on Discord is complaining about it so it must be my game. Don't want to uninstall/reinstall since that has gone poorly for many others. May have to anyway.

Yes, I am below 2.1M in game cash and am signed into Facebook and MS account. Restarted multiple times.
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Re: Bug Reports

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Can't upgrade the weapon possibly due to it currently being stuck on level 'NaN'...

Ad vids are running (and crashing) sometimes for me and I'm also getting double ads and a countdown timer that is sloooooooow, second ad has a 15 second timer that takes about a minute, it takes about 4 seconds for each 'second' to tick away!

Also weapon seems to be suitable for region 32, that's a first which I have no doubt will be corrected to stop it being used in region missions.
Capture.PNG (84.4 KiB) Viewed 4742 times
region.PNG (133.78 KiB) Viewed 4742 times
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Re: Bug Reports

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And the ads are borked again!
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Re: Bug Reports

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Ads still off, meaning the extras for the event are withheld, can't refresh the black market or any of the useful stuff they were handy for, that and the general unplayability with all the other issues is making this one a royal P.I.T.A. suppose if you pay peanuts you get monkeys for coders...

Rapidly loosing interest in the whole thing, it's just to much of a stressor that I can really do without.
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by GWD »

You don't have ads either!! Great!

Well, I mean that takes me off the hook to have to uninstall / reinstall...at least for now.

Nothing personal, of course, I hope we both get the feature back. For me, and others on Discord, videos came back for a couple of hours yesterday and then blipped off again.
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Re: Bug Reports

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It did it again with the videos. A couple were opened and then the ruby videos were started. After one ruby video it went to "Done" and that was the end of all of the videos. Odd.

It seems to be a GL problem rather than specific to my game.
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Re: Bug Reports

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Yep, started out with vids working and same here after a few and definitely before they were all done just stopped working again.

Once it was working why didn't they just leave it alone, fix the broken bits but 'if it ain't broke - don't try and fix it!'
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Re: Bug Reports

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Vids still not working, so all the rubies/packs/parts/speedups/consumables lost and we're now at the mercy of 'The Weekend Team', God help us all!
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by GWD »

Ok, here is the deal.

After the daily reset, you have four videos to watch and then the videos go dead. I just confirmed it. So choose wisely. It is reported to open up for four more at noon GMT.

Here is the post from a "MVP" on Discord:

"A few people, me included, cannot play video ads for the last few days. Except for 4 videos at reset and 4 videos soon after noon (server time/Zulu/GMT) - for me today it was 13:35 that I noticed - then all vid availability disappears - no rubies, so game/exotic/base spins, no energy - no nothing.
The 4 ads I saw were exactly the same and for some rock concert. This leads me to beleive that videos are being filtered by some parameters and we are being filtered out completely.
I've monitoring this every time I log in and been reporting my findings to GL "
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Re: Bug Reports

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This seems to have changed already, why should we expect anything else, vids now seem to be working as normal, got all 5 ruby spins and several others...

UPDATE - spoke too soon now their just failing! Weekend team is on again then.
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Re: Bug Reports

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And now they're working again, this sums up GameLofts ability to a tee.
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Re: Bug Reports

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And not working again... you couldn't make this up...
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Re: Bug Reports

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And working again, there are not enough facepalms in the world for this.
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

And completely down again! Shocker!
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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