Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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Running a 24 hour deputy, which is going to be essential or open a load of chests, and did the 4 => 5 upgrade and the 5 => 6 upgrade requires a whopping 97 parts that's 32 1/3 chests per upgrade.

So a minimum of 130 chests for all 4 level 5 => 6 upgrades IF all the wanted parts drop first time which we all know is never going to happen.

With left over parts and the deputy run so far for about 22 hours I managed to do just the 4 => 5 & 5 => 6 upgrades, this is not on, the cost now to participate in these events has rocketed and now only suits the cheaters and the weak minded, it's a death knell for the game as a whole.

I think I'll just be completing this one using up my consumables and if this happens again, well I'm sure I can find better uses for my time and effort...
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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I'm coming around to your way of thinking. If we intend to continue to play SF then it is unreasonable to save resources for the "future" because there may be no future. Either GL is going to make the game unplayable / defunct or we are going to abandon it altogether.

As far as this event goes, I've run one Deputy and perhaps will have to run another. I'm so short on muzzles that chests will have to be opened to fill that gap...can't trust a Deputy to drop exactly what is needed.
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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Well running ANOTHER deputy tonight and I'm still not sure it will be enough, that will make 4 so far, GameLoft are making this game for the payers only, and even they will get fed up having to throw stupid amounts of cash at what is really a very basic game.

Also noticed when zooming this thing is a wobbler, drifting all over the place, so I'll be doing stability next for upgrades.

You can see the current levels and what I'm short on, so I'm thinking it's just some parts have been targeted to run low on drops.
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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Weapons that require accuracy (like sniper rifles) always get stability updates until they calm down. Next is mag size since they are woefully short on cartridges and reloading is usually a bit slow. Scope is most often fine right from the beginning and thermal always brings up the rear. I rarely use thermal anyway.
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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Here is a dilemma that fits right into GL's usual behavior. And that is, does the weapon need to be upgraded to 100% to finish Stage 3?

Checking inventory indicates that the weapon is "owned" so that is taken care of. If Stage 3 is not completed the weapon is still yours presumably because the earlier Stage 1 & 2 weapons were won and they cannot be taken away. They can on be converted. Something won cannot just be deleted (or un-won).

So then the question is; what level does the weapon have to be to complete Stage 3, Chapter 10? Is it 50%, 70%, 100%? (I know Stage 1 & 2 had to be 100%.) GL won't tell and has the player over a barrel in that if the required level is 100% there may not be reasonable time to reach the full upgrade if the player assumed 70%.

Or maybe this post is just rambling gibberish of the afflicted.
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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I can see where you're coming from, the usual deafening silence from GameLoft is more than just frustrating.

Only a guess but I would recon that, and purposely, GameLoft have made this event a cash cow for themselves. Todays pop-up ad for a 'special' deal on a vault of rubies that's the one that costs £83.49, utterly ridiculous cost for an in-game purchase for any game, remembering games are for fun and those rubies have no value other than to spend in-game.

The fourth deputy ran last night gave me only 3 upgrades on stability taking it to level 5, leaving me with 9 more upgrades still to go, and a severe difference in parts drops, as you will see in the screen below, ranging from 0 cores to 55 chips, absolutely disgraceful and obviously intentional.

I can see this being my last event and without those to keep me interested the end of the game for me...
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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Last nights deputy run, and kicked off the last stability upgrade, still 8 to go, and, well see the screen grab, I think this is my last event.
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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Managed 1 more upgrade to scope, still 7 to go :(
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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I ran a 24 hr. deputy last night and only managed two upgrades out of it. SF was not opened for the 24 hours to maximize the chest haul. The muzzles did not come out as hoped and are still low. I did open a few chests to get the muzzles up to par. Two more upgrades to go. Should be able to make it with chests used at the very end.

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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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:shock: You must be grinding this like mad to only have 2 upgrades left to do, I've ran 4 x 24 hour deputy and opened 12 packs to add cores, and I've still got 7 to do :o

You can really see the imbalance on the parts list below, not helped by 90% my StW for the last few days have been gold.
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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There is not much grinding to do in this event. Just check back within 3 hours to make sure no packs stand idle. I'm retired so it is not that hard to do.

I've now run 3 deputies over the course of the three stages. No more. I'll wait for the last day and open Supreme Packs until I get the required parts. Losing those last left-over parts is annoying. The Packs are better controlled for the needed parts while the Deputy parts seems more random.

I agree with you about STW. One would think gold was the only choice for the wheel to stop. But GL is not that kind of it?
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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Manged to get it down to 2 upgrades to go, deputy still has 6 hours to run so I'll see what that gets me, opened a few more packs for cores only and it's still ridiculous at the difference in remaining parts, there is going to be so much waste in this one, bet they don't do the decent thing and run a forge before it ends so we can use them up for once!
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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Managed to get it down to 1 upgrade required by opening a lot more packs, and this morning get a 'gift' of 10 packs as if that makes it all better, it's more like they're having a laugh...
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

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With 40 hours to go, I just might make it without opening any more packs.

Chapter 9 completed with difficulty finishing "protect your SM". Helos and drones don't seem so much of a problem. But the 15 SM missions in Chapter 10 will need a slo-mo for sure. Maybe even rubies will be necessary. This event has certainly dampened my spirits about SF's whole process.
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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Post by Decker »

i noticed the same as you, I needed to use a slo-mo for 1 of the protect missions in chapter 9 & 10, with the last upgrade required for the very last mission, I'm going to have to open a load more packs as you can see by the screen below the drops for me have been so unbalanced it's unbelievable.

If this is the new norm I'll find something better to do!
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Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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