Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

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Decker Great Britain
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Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Decker »

Here we go again, again it is claimed you only need to upgrade to 50%, but we know last time it just wasn't so... Would be good if it did only need 50% as were starting at level 1 => 2 at 5-5-4-5-5 parts.

Affinity Hunter (+100% more damage in PvP), Void Shield Pounder (200% more damage) & Frostbite (5 second freeze with +10% more damage while frozen).

Not sure what gear would be best with this one as it's Tactical affinity, and the 2 sets I've got with this don't bring much to the party :roll: :?

Ands it looks like StW is weighted to drop mainly gold again!
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by GWD »

Every StW that I've done so far has been gold.

Not at all impressed with the perks of this weapon. I'll play the event just for the experience and if the weapon is won or lost, so be it.
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

Yeap, getting a little sick of long rifles. This one, I think, is a take-it or leave-it weapon.
I'm not going to waste any resources on this one.
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

Well I just completed an upgrade on the MAG, the next time I tried L1M4 it went from 3 hits to 4 to take out the vehicle.
You might want to keep check of this one.
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by GWD »

I liked it better in the "olden days" when the initial weapon was very weak. Then when it was upgraded there was a noticeable increase in performance with each upgrade.

Now, upgrading is infinitesimal since the weapon is almost full strength right from the start. Then when critical hits were introduced it was hard to tell what difference upgrading makes besides moving along to win the weapon. That may be what Corporal Kiwi has experienced.

BTW, there was a pop-up today that confirmed that the weapon needs to be upgraded to 50% to be won. That would be 160M or 10 upgrades. Upgrading to 160M will take a lot of resources that only will come from game-play for me. Might not make it at the steep requirements for advancing.
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Decker »

Only 1 upgrade required to complete chapter2, maybe they are going to let us get through this with less upgrades, I hope.

I do know I'm not going to be trying too hard though.

Level 2 vehicles still took 3 hits with non crit hits for me, and it's another bouncy one, wanders all over the place at the moment.
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

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As I mentioned above:

Only 50% upgrade to win.

Upgrades won't make much difference to the kill power.
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Decker »

Just remembering the last exotic that promised only 50% was needed and it was a standard event which required more than 50%, how many lost out due to that...

Corp mentioned that it was taking 4 hits for him to take out a vehicle, I'm not seeing that.
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Corporal Kiwi New Zealand
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

It seems that just after I posted, the parameters changed and I am now back to 1=frozen. 2=damage(sometimes critical kill) and 3=kill at Lvl2.
I have no idea what is going on and as GWD has said "the weapon stats are so close they won't make a difference". If you don't have a good armor set (which I can not find one) this one weapon is going to be another closet warmer, if you can get get it.
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Decker »

The gear sets I can find with this affinity are pants and only 2 of them, I'm sure GameLoft have lost the plot with exotic events now...
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Decker »

Just 1 upgrade required for chapter 4 again, but I'm still not trusting that the pop-up is telling the truth.
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by GWD »

A wise choice. GL can sometimes be unreliable in its pop-ups.

Like you, I'm going to keep upgrading as the game unfolds and try to reach a winning level. Then stick the weapon in the closet. Neither the attributes nor the strength are anything to get excited about.
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Decker »

As expected 1 more upgrade required to complete chapter 6, still not trusting that only 50% is required though.
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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by GWD »

How far have you progressed? (How many upgrades?) Are you doing the "research" thing and finding out where and when upgrades are required?

I have done 10 upgrades and am at 160M strength. That should be 50%. If you are somewhat in the same situation and are finding upgrading is required at Chapter 6 then 50% looks to be bogus. But I haven't run into any requirements yet.

Plus, the stability of the weapon is terrible. I'm going to concentrate on upgrading that factor so a decent headshot can be accomplished.

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Re: Winter Sniperland - 10/01/2022

Post by Decker »

Upgrading as and when just to find out, I have upgraded stability twice as said before it a wanderer.

I'm really not putting the time into this one as I got hacked off with the last event (3 stage one)...
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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