Bug Reports

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Decker Great Britain
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

Just had a low level huntsman assassin take no damage from barrage, looks like we're getting a new years gift, more tampering with stuff!
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

Ads playing but not giving rewards again, including 10 min time reductions, weekend team at it again!

Edit - almost as soon as I posted this they start to work again :roll:
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

And back to not working again, you couldn't be this incompetent on purpose...
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Bug Reports

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My game is having the same issue. Video plays but nothing else happens...no rewards. An oddity is that the reward-less spin will sometimes show up on one of the other spin choices and it is ready for a spin...no video required. Almost like the spin was transferred to another part of the game.

Signing in is also going bonkers (EUR). The progress bar will reach 100% then completely drop out back to Windows wallpaper. After several attemps it finally will make it through to the game.
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Re: Bug Reports

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I've noticed before that you can click to watch an ad on one part and go to another part to take your spin, sometimes it can be useful.
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Re: Bug Reports

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Not actually a bug (well, maybe) but anyone getting tired of the Halloween theme and the House of Horrors ad? That holiday was over in October. It might be just laziness or incompetence or both.
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Re: Bug Reports

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And the current exotic is Christmas themed, it's almost February :roll:

Maybe we'll get a new thanksgiving theme at Easter...
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Re: Bug Reports

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So today it's start game (which is taking much longer than usual), do a thing, crash, restart game, play a vid, crash, restart game play a vid, no reward given, do something else, crash - what fun!
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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Re: Bug Reports

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Playing ads again just hangs the game, this is just boring, and you can't blame 3rd parties GameLoft - it's YOUR ads that are hanging!

Pop-up for 'new' hit list event, game hangs, restart game and keeps going to 'reconnect' pointless even trying to play with these issues constantly appearing.
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Re: Bug Reports

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Just had a rollback in the middle of playing, GameLoft will you stop mucking about with production servers whilst they're still operational and not in maintenance!
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Re: Bug Reports - Megalodon Holo

Post by Decker »

So in the shop a new offer with a bullet, camo, banner and holo, and on looking at the holo it states 190% base HP increase so I thought at last something worth buying.

Now the caveat is that the values shown won't increase it only happens during combat so, okay I thought, equip it and try it.

Well much to my surprise, I didn't bother equipping gear and weapons that I knew i could take my base out with just my normal PvP gear as I just wanted to see how much harder it would be to take out SM's, nothing, nada, no difference at all, in fact if anything I got closer to taking out my base with standard PvP gear than I had previously been able to.

So either it doesn't work at all or it doesn't work on test base but will on other attackers, if so then fine but i also think it's a sneaky one in that players at certain levels will know their capabilities in PvP attacks and attack your base only to discover the defence is well over twice what they thought it would be - why not just declare it on defence numbers...
megalodon.png (289.11 KiB) Viewed 4628 times
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by GWD »

It is an interesting holo to be sure. Too bad it doesn't work as the defense holo.

However, it looks to be useful as the main holo when one is not playing (if it lives up to the description). I prefer the "reload on kill" holo when active but this could be useful overnight or when waiting for the Deputy during a 24-hour pause to generate packs.

After all, when you are idle in the game why not boost your defense? Of course, it is a bit sneaky (as mentioned) but this is WAR! The only sticky part is remembering to change it to your regular holo when playing.

Anyway, I gave it a go on your recommendation so if it is a failure, guess who gets the blame.
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by GWD »

On second thought, what does "is only applied during combat" mean?

Does it mean that the player with the holo has to be actively in the middle of a PVP match for it to work...otherwise it is dormant? Or does it mean that a player attacking your base is playing "during combat" so the holo springs into action?

Decker already tested it on his own base, which is not actually combat, without seeing any results. This is all as clear as mud.
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

Well todays play has been quite frustrating, constant crashes, hangs and tonight I was going to activate a deputy - it won't let me!!!

On starting up today I was greeted with
wtf.PNG (360.63 KiB) Viewed 4610 times
I hadn't assembled any such weapon!??! :shock:

I had hoped my base would have a few attacks so I could tell if the new holo was having the promised effect, only 2 attacks all day and both used sleeping gas, 1 won and 1 lost, on looking at the gear and weapon it was a normal days results.

So still don't know if it does what was promised, could be I wasted 1800 rubies, if so CS just wait for it! :roll:
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by GWD »

How very odd for me, also. I have had no attacks since applying the holo. The two attacks on your game seem quite low as well.

I really don't think that many players check the holos of the main avatar but most do check the holo of the defense avatar. Thus, it is unlikely that players are avoiding PVP attacks because of the new (sneaky) holo.

A possible explanation seems to be that the season is ending and most players are satisfied with their position and are simply not playing PVP. Let's see what happens at the start of next season.
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