Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

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Decker Great Britain
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Re: Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

Post by Decker »

GWD wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:52 pm The new weapon, Defroster, is a beast. (Weapons forum is locked so can't post there.)
You tried to post in the forum description topic again didn't you :lol: that post is locked the forum is open just start a new topic, makes it easier to find posts on individual weapons/gear/etc.

Started the game today and did the usual start-up routine, then went into event and played the first missions and wondered what the hell was going on!

When I checked the stage 3 weapon affinity/attributes I was pleasantly surprised (for a change), as for weapon power the last 2 stages weapons have had the power boosted once owned so that might not be such a problem after the event (hopefully), also some of the shots actually land headshots.

Upgrades may have started low but took quite a jump after level 1=> 2 upgrade from 9 parts to 25, if that continues it's going to be another parts drainer, so no not 'easier' to win this one.
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Re: Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

Post by Decker »

So been doing upgrades to just mag as the rest aren't really needed, the parts requirements have been hiked again with level 5 => 6 upgrade costing another eye watering 73 parts, is this what GameLoft thinks is making it 'easier'...

I'll be honest Defroster seems like it 'might' be a 'nice' weapon, but is it really worth what's being asked?

GameLoft, step outside please and look around, that's the real world out there, not the one you live in!
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Re: Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

Post by Decker »

Well with 4 upgrades still to go, 3 deputies ran and 1 pack opened (just me being impatient :D ) the snap below shows the parts situation, draw your own conclusions, is this 'easier' than previous events, I'm tending towards NO!

Especially when so many StW result in gold dropping.
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Re: Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

Post by GWD »

I've got to agree that the gaining of parts is at least as difficult as last time. The last few levels have been absurd. I have run one Deputy and have opened about 48 packs. The packs seem more directed at the parts needed while the Deputy gives them willy-nilly but in great quantity. I have one more upgrade to go.

Supreme Packs are replenished through Battle Pass games so I have (had) plenty.

Getting gold on the Exotic spins is like getting a placeholder. Gold is so easy to get that it is nearly worthless. PVP players are leaving gold to be won as if it is nothing.
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Re: Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

Post by GWD »

Won't be long now until this weapon is in the barn. But look for GL to seriously nerf it after it gets into play. Get ready for the "balance" garbage excuse from them.

So one Deputy and about 50 Supreme Packs to get to this point. A couple of days should be enough to get a muzzle from in-game packs. (For some reason, I want to hoard the Deputies "just in case". Kinda dumb.)

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Re: Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

Post by Decker »

Did my usual TOFTT and finished chapter 10, so weapon stats when owned (making it the most powerful so far, if it gets nerfed it will be a doorstop) below and parts left over (so far 87 with no chips left whatsoever). And it does need to be upgraded 100% to complete the chapter.

Tested on my own base (still don't see any benefit of the 190% holo) and took it down, you will need barrage and hope for a kill after that though to recharge it just in case.

Seems aim has improved, aim direct at target (just a bit left of the muzzle), but still a good idea to have barrage ready as you don't have full control over what target is selected, I got taken down by a sniper as no shots went there in time, so plus and minuses this time round again.

To take down a high end 12* base will need boosts and barrage possibly slo-mo as well but it should be possible.
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Re: Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

Post by GWD »

Now my weapon is fully upgraded as well but there is still about 3 hours for me before Chapter 10 opens. I'm finding the play with Defroster very similar to your experience. All I've needed is a barrage (or two/three) to take down 12^ bases up to 1600M. My own 11*/12* base with no drones only took one barrage and bye-bye base. I haven't used slo-mo on anything yet. As you observed, the recharge of barrage is key to this weapon's success.

The new holo doesn't seem to do much good. My base is getting hammered like it hasn't in months. Most attacks are successful and a variety of weapons are used...Defroster being one of them. Without a nerf, Defroster will cause a big balance shift. But I'm enjoying it as it is for now.
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Re: Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

Post by Decker »

Well been playing with the new toy and it's not too bad, has it's downside too but overall not bad for a 3 stage event.

Still a bit off on where it was meant to be 'easier' this time around...

Easier for me was 4 x 24 hour deputies ran (other 3 stage events have been 3 max) and a couple of dozen packs (previously just a few to take care of imbalance in drops, which this time was severely imbalanced), just playing today for the sake of it and to get some Warlord challenges done and spin the wheel and hope for rubies (fat chance mainly gold with a couple of parts), and I'm now left with 121 parts, which as usual will just be stolen from us again.

All in weapon useful, gear okay, SM's 1 useful, so compared to most 3 stage events actually quite a good one, but that comparison is more daming of GameLoft that it may look at first, it just shows how shocking the other events were.

I'd first thought the new holo was to help balance things but it actually seems to be having a detrimental effect on my base, in that players at levels and with weapons are managing to take down my base (without boosts too) that previously wouldn't have stood a chance, I'd love to hear GameLofts excuse for that.
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Re: Shanghai Rumble -> Dubai Eclipse -> Tokyo Nights

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

Well, I finally got there today with 9hrs to run.
I have had to use 2 24hr Deputies throughout the 3 events and all of the Packs gained from StW.
I needed 312 Packs just to complete the last chapter. In total 21 Packs were required. EASIER?? I THINK NOT
My leftovers are 40 Muzz, 29 Mags 24 Cores, 1 Chip, and 20 Scopes.
GL have once again SCREWED PLAYERS.
Albeit the weapon in it's current state is GOOD, but waiting for the so called balancing NERFING by GL.
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