Bug Reports

Corporal Kiwi New Zealand
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

Currently I'm using the Cato Quacker Sniper Rifle with 25% extra Cash and 75% extra XP and the Cato DR 450 Cursed Assault with 25% extra Cash and 60% extra XP. I am seeing the XP randomly jump between the two as expected but as the Cash % is the same for both weapons it is the same throughout. I haven't had the 2x plus 3x for quite a while but if I remember the 2x is for 10min and the 3x is for 15min, so at the 10min mark the XP is going to drop back to the 3x only.
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

Given that I was using the 3xXP (15 minute one) from Warlord and gear and weapon with a total of +190% XP it still doesn't explain why it suddenly reduces, that and whether the XP awarded is actually correct as we know GameLoft don't do 'maths'.
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Re: Bug Reports

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Just completed another Warlord and ran the contracts again, same gear, same weapon, different results :shock:

This time only 55k XP dropping and this time cash all over the place, GameLoft WHY??? :evil:
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Corporal Kiwi New Zealand
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

Hey Decker, what are your weapon stats??
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

I was using Furmidable gear and Defroster, so +70% for the gear and +120% for gun, with the Warlord 3x XP should be way more than I used to get using alternate gear I had before Furmidable which was +50% and can't remember what I equipped with that set, but it certainly didn't have +120%.

With the billions of XP required to level up now it's hellish that promised additions to earned XP in missions is being falsely cut to the bone.

See below for what I now get.
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by GWD »

I don't think that the weapon adds any % to the award total. At least that has not been my experience. Only the avatar gives the XP boost in Warlord.

However, in PVP the weapon does provide the XP boost.
Corporal Kiwi New Zealand
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

You need to look at your equipped Sniper Rifle and Assault Rifle. They are the ones that give you XP and Cash in the Contract Missions, (not your equipped PvP Weapon) that is why you get two different values at differing times. Note that there are only a handful of regular weapons that have extra Cash, Gold, and XP attributes.
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Re: Bug Reports

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You can see how GameLoft love to add as much confusion as possible into things, as an exotic weapon can't be used in missions BUT has an XP bonus in missions :roll:
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Corp what you say makes sense, sniper is Bonafide and assault is Virtual Future both at level 32 and neither have XP bonus which wouldn't explain the earlier change in XP awarded, in fact I couldn't find a non-exotic weapon that does have an XP boost.
I should have though of that really (see above comment), and it would seem to favour the lower bonus amounts in that case, again typical GameLoft...
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Re: Bug Reports

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Still doing it.
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

Corps logic is sound, but as I discovered none of my PvE weapons have any XP bonus, if your the same then the XP awarded should not vary, GameLoft maths is obviously alien in origin :roll:
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

Finally came across a base with the megalodon holo and it made absolutely no difference to the attack so I think it proves this holo does nothing at all, another con job from GameLoft...
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by GWD »

I still question the "during combat" part of the explanation for the holo. Maybe it only works while actively involved in a fight of some sort. It might help if somebody attacks your base while you are doing an attack. In that case, the holo's usefulness is quite limited.
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

I have found that with the 'megalodon holo' it only seems to have an effect on the final room. Nothing to do with basic base defense.
Where as you would normally need 1 shot to take out the SM, with the holo it takes 3-4. so in effect 'a waste of time' and "That's All Folks".
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

If it does as you say Corp then it's misrepresented and not doing what was advertised, so I want my 1,800 rubies back :twisted:
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As advertised avatar AND base defence 190% boost, more lies from GameLoft yet again...
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Re: Bug Reports

Post by Decker »

Videos playing but not paying again :evil:
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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