Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

Post by GWD »

The upgrade requirements seem to be incredibly low at this point in Stage 2. I ran a Deputy at the end of Stage 1 and may have enough parts to make a serious dent in the upgrade requirements. We will see as we go along. GL has a way of coming up with unpleasant surprises.
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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I'm paying attention this time, I got caught out with the massive rise in requirements in a previous 3 stage event and burned through a shed load of parts.

I'm still trying to work out what actually got better with the weapon for stage 2, surely it can't only be the increase in attributes (gold/cash/xp/crit hits)?

Level 3 -> 4 & 4 -> 5 upgrade requirements;
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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Well, I did have enough left over parts to fully upgrade the Stage 2 weapon. There were no outrageous surprises.

A further benefit of the full upgrade is that the avatar's bonuses apply. Thus, for XXIII Captain, I have the barrage bonus which resets after one kill. The ammo reload holo doesn't work however.

It should make the next 7 chapters easier by far. We will see.
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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I tried the fully upgraded Sharkstooth in PVP on a very weak base. It did just fine with 5* to 8* SMs. Barrage worked as it should but the reload Holos did not work (Eminence and Gameloft).

Then I tried it on my base and it was pitiful against 10* and 11*. Since Barrage is based on the weapon's effectiveness, it was a bust also. That result was expected for the Stage 2 weapon. No surprise there.

But the no reload issue is totally unacceptable. It was reported to GL in hopes that it will be fixed by the time the Stage 3 weapon is ready. HOPE is the key word. Auto reload after a kill is a must feature for this weapon.
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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To be fair (yes, I actually said that referring to GL), the reload holo doesn't actually mention exotic events so I'd let them away with that one :shock: but I would like it to work due to the reload being so ridiculously slow...

I'm still noting there wasn't any actual upgrade from stage 1 to 2, so that is a bit of a worry that as it was in stage 1 so it will be in stage 3!

Even grinding this one hard I still ran a deputy last night, so it'll cost 1,500 stones at least, unless you've got deputies some other way ;) , but you may need more than 1 per stage depending on what and how many drop.

Upgrade for level 5 -> 6;
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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The reload Holo was being used in PVP, not in the Exotic event.

The fully upgraded Sharkstooth in my Inventory was paired with XXIII Captain independent of the Exotic event. Thus, the Holo should have worked to reload the weapon but it did not. I know the event is still running but anything in my Inventory should work as fully functional PVP weapon...and it does not.
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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My bad :oops: I missed that you were talking about PvP matches, yep your right it should have worked, another cock-up for the list :roll:
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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I'm finding that the weapon is useful for only 6 kills no matter how quickly one clicks. Ten bullets per click. It has been that way since stage 1.

If there is an Elite or Sniper during a reload you are killed. RPGs are a possible kill after a reload. Barrage is essential.
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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What gets me is that this is essentially a redo of Rambo's M60, which had a mag capacity of 450 which is a better fit for a weapon with a cyclical rate that high!
Freeze doesn't always work either... :roll:
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

Post by GWD »

Oh, and once fully upgraded and in your Inventory, it loses the sharktooth extension and ends up looking exactly like Rambo's M60.

But that is fine since it will be gone entirely when the Level 3 weapon is reveled and the trade-in occurs.
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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:o I see what you mean, unfortunately it didn't get gifted with the M60's mag :roll:
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Mirage 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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An actual development for Stage 3 :o

Weapon now has a more workable mag capacity, starting at 200 rounds, also piercing rounds are equipped, attributes upped to a decent amount, but a complete change for the affinity (apart from Symbiosis) now it's a shield pounder (note that the SM's on offer in the event are shielded, what a shocker eh! GameLoft giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other...).
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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I don't know what GameLoft have against useable sights and a clear field of view but they're showing they hate it again...
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

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The weapon fully upgraded is a dog....bow-wow, arf-arf. My 10*/11* base was barely touched with barrage and the weapon. Couldn't even kill one SM before being killed myself. Tried it three times concentrating on different SMs. This is with the XXIII Captain outfit.

DPM is 169B and rating is 95000K (95M). Way underpowered even with the 450 magazine. Still a slow reload. Oh, well. It will be useful in the Forge.

I agree about the ridiculous sight picture. Nobody needs a solid bar across the middle of the screen obscuring the view. Whoever came up with this idea should be sacked posthaste.

And in a fit of observation pettiness, the sharkstooth attachment is gone when the weapon is assigned to an outfit...not that it matters.
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Re: Alien Sky 3 Stage Event - 09/07/2021

Post by Decker »

Compare it to the 'Lawnmower' which I tested today and took my own base out without too much of a problem (2x11* Elite, 2x10* Suppressor and a 7* headless Assassin).

I was also attacked by a much lower level player (70 with a poor gear set for the weapon) who had the Carnage @56001K equipped and took my base down, which I'd tested mine at about the same level and got what you did, slaughtered!

I'm just confused :? what are GameLoft doing with weapon and base stats... These must be changing or something.
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