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Decker Great Britain
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Post by Decker »

Looks like some new nerfing going on, bow RPG the Fall today struggled with a base it easily took down previously, then I noticed new Battle Pass has guess what weapon for premium, yep a bow RPG, coincidence?
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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Re: Nerfing

Post by Decker »

Todays clan war, using my usual gear and defroster took several shots to take down a level 1 core when previously it was 1-2 shots at most, guess the complainers get the results they wanted, I've noticed defroster having more hard work to do on bases that previously didn't present any problems.

Welcome to the new update :roll:
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Nerfing

Post by GWD »

Actually, the Defroster seems to work almost better than before the update. It seems a bit stronger but I have no data to support that view.

However, the associated Barrage is noticeably weaker. Goons are not completely taken out. Sometimes that is not such a bad thing since that allows for a fast kill and refresh of Barrage. But now bases over 1700M are being passed up unless they have some other favorable trait that dooms them.
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Re: Nerfing

Post by Decker »

Hmm strange, I'm thought it might just have been me when playing PvP, but in clan wars for a level 1 core I'd fire 2 shots only previously first shot would take out about 90% of core health and the second finished it off, now I'm counting a solid 6 shots minimum to take out the same level core!!!

By reducing barrage too there actually stealing from anyone who paid to get rubies to then get packs or deputies for the 3 stage events, and they're not actually playing fair with the rest of us either (but that seems to be pretty much par for the course with Gameloft).
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Nerfing

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I should have stated that my comment related to PVP. My oversight.

I don't play Clans so can't contribute in that area.
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Re: Nerfing

Post by Decker »

No probs, it is more tricky to 'prove' it in PvP whereas in clan wars it's so obvious, also todays level 1 core took 7 shots and PvP again seemed more shots required again...
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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Re: Nerfing

Post by Decker »

More certain now, overnight several attacks on my base using Defroster, those using sleeping gas won, those that didn't use a boost lost, tried my own base and it was obvious there have been changes and not just with barrage.
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Nerfing

Post by GWD »

I'm seeing a lot of sleeping gas use by attackers also. I had to downgrade to an 11* gas-resistant assassin but it didn't make much difference in the number of attacks. It is the end of the season and many are trying for the HOF. Most attackers have well over 20K trophies.

Those big bases are interesting in that they rarely use Protectors and seldom use Suppressors. Rather, they use lots of shielded Assassins. Maybe I could learn something.
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Decker Great Britain
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Re: Nerfing

Post by Decker »

I know what you mean, what you said and I've seen a lot of 'weird' base configurations recently too.

I think players are just trying stuff out to see if certain SM's work better together, you never know what GameLoft have programmed into the game.
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
Dog Tag: f8f16c
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