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Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:33 pm
by Decker
Stage 2 - not much changed as you will see from the screens below, PvP damage up to 75% from 50%, apart from that nothing I can see changed, gold and XP still at +75%...

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:55 pm
by GWD
PVP perks don't give much advantage within Stage 2 of the event. Doubtful anyone would use it in PVP in its present form. Oddly, the Stage 3 weapon has the same strength as the Stage 2.

At least the helicopter difficulty is resolved. The slightly upgraded weapon will take a helo out with one shot.

My parts are low on muzzles. Your parts look to be able to almost fully upgrade before Chapter 2 even opens. So far I have used one Deputy but will guess that another will be need by the time Stage 3 opens with the increased parts requirements.

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:27 pm
by Decker
I've managed to get scope and mag fully upgraded with stability at 4 & thermal at 2, tested on my base with 95% exotic boost and the right affinity and again it can take out a grey drone but barely scratches an 11* SM, and barrage with it is pretty low damage considering.

I'm joint lowest on scopes and muzzles, and have been from the start, have ran 2 24 hour deputies and made best use of StW and time reductions.

I could probably finish the upgrades through grind but at this time of year my time is better spent doing a lot of other things, so GameLoft present a quandary, do you miss out or pay up whatever is required, Merry Christmas GameLoft Ho Smegging Ho...

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:57 am
by Corporal Kiwi
Well, when you look at it, the weapon is a complete POS, the 'GEAR BONUS' is a waste of time, and the only thing you are chasing is the 12*. And like Decker, the Christmas period is time to spend with FAMILY, so sorry GL, you 'DO NOT CUT THE MUSTARD'. Good Bye "Bounty Cascade"..

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:56 pm
by Decker
2 upgrades to go on thermal, and I'm bored out of my skull with this one, for some reason on the euro server the next chapter opens at 10pm, not really a euro time zone friendly, it's running at a schedule more suited to Australia where it would open at 9am :roll:

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:58 am
by Corporal Kiwi
Your start time is interesting as the ApA Server is showing Kick Off at 2300 NZDT on Monday night.

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:10 am
by Decker
I've never understood the 'logic' behind the starting times for things...

Got enough parts for the final weapon upgrade, due to the fact that opening the three packs this morning dropped only scopes and muzzles surprisingly, but what remains shows the bias on parts drops.

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:52 pm
by Decker
Well had to use barrage in chapter 8 for the helio mission, could have probably got by with out it, but chapter 9 mission 2 you will need either barrage or slo-mo equipped.

Chapter 10 same again with the helio mission, the weapon is proving to be clumsy in use at this stage and reload slow and annoying that the reload on kill holo isn't working :cry:

Got the weapon and gear so trying them together on my base, takes out drones okay and using slo-mo's managed to take out 1 11* SM, but that's your lot, not the full 3rd stage weapon yet but did perform a bit better than expected so hopefully they'll pull out the stops for the stage 3 weapon, they'll need to...

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 3:47 pm
by GWD
Wow, my Chapter 10 doesn't open for another 10 hours.

I haven't minded using a few slo-mos since my Battle Pass requires using 10 of them. Those helo missions are tough.

The Stage 3 weapon has the same starting strength as the Stage 2 weapon did. Hopefully, it doesn't end up that way.

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 5:44 pm
by Decker
I threw a few rubies at it just to get it out of the way and get the gear and stuff sorted for the next stage.

They all started at the same strength, Garland ended up at 224.24m, Wreath at 3331.5m so Yuletide should, hopefully be another step up from that, all we can do is wait another 40 hours to see what will be...

Although I don't see it being more powerful than previous 3 stage weapons.

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:41 am
by GWD
The suit, Elfedup, might prove useful for some. If the critical hit perk is activated (F key) and the weapon has symbiosis then the whole PVP attack is critical hit equipped as long as a kill is made within a 15 second window. Interesting.

Also, if using the suit in the event, the weapon is far more powerful. Since it doesn't have symbiosis the 15-second critical hit perk is all the time you get it. Maybe the Stage 3 weapon will have symbiosis. If not, the critical hit perk should still help in the helo missions.

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:26 pm
by Decker
Yep, I'm still on the fence with this one, it seemed to have some promise but whether it achieves it or not is down to stage 3, it needs more.

The gear again is good for those starting out basically but for those of us long term players it's just meh.

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:45 pm
by Decker
Stage 3, at last, reload is still slow, that could have been improved, especially seeing as the upgrade requirements have been raised by a lot...

Affinity is up to +150% on base defences and symbiosis added, thankfully. Gold and XP up to +100%, no biggy, but piercing bullet added, not a biggy either but at least it's something.

As I mentioned the upgrade requirements have had a huge increase, level 1 => 2 is okay at 9 parts, but then there's 2 => 3 at 31 parts and then 3 => 4 at an eye watering 53 parts for each of the 4 upgrades at that level, and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse 4 => 5 is 75 parts times 4, that's 300 parts for only one level of upgrades and we're not finished there, then there is 5 => 6 but I've ran out of parts for now...

This stage is the one planned to get you spending, be it packs, deputies rubies or real life cold hard cash, yep the greed monster is back just after Christmas, as I said before ho smegging ho.

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:36 pm
by GWD
The weapon affinities seem decent enough. With symbiosis and the Elved Up suit (F key) it gives a whopping boost to critical hits. Not necessary for the goons or drones in the event but deadly on helos. Also, the goons in the later helo missions seem to take several shots to kill.

The weapon might be useful with other gear sets with the Exclusive affinity. Of course, several SMs in PVP have the "immune to critical hits" perk - but with other gear sets the critical hits perk doesn't apply. With barrage it should be good.

150% against drones, 150% against opponent's SMs, and 150% against base defenses in PVP seems odd. Why not just boost the weapon's base value 150% and call it a day? That is, unless the values can be stacked under "base defenses" since drones and SMs are base defenses. Or GL just wants to make a long list to impress somebody.

Re: Bounty Cascade 3 Stage Event 13th December 2021

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:16 am
by Corporal Kiwi
Well if you have got to the start of the 3rd event you own the Weapon and you are only chasing the 12*'s.
You will need a minimum of 354 packs, about 2.1/hr for the duration of the event, but more likely in the region of 390ish @ 2.5/hr.
I will leave it to you all to work out if the 12*'s are worth it.
Me, I am sticking with the Weapon as you don't to have to have it fully upgraded at the end as it is already in your inventory.