Survival Fury

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Decker Great Britain
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Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

This is a new one, and can easily be seen as a cash grab straight away by a quick look at the store :roll:

Simply put it's a continuous onslaught of goons they get stronger the longer you survive and try not to let any pass you (3 and your done) or get hit by a sniper or RPG, at least that's what I've been able to glean so far.

Okay it's a bit of fun, the weapon is a bit under powered (but that's to make you pay up) well actually it's pants, and you can upgrade after scoring enough but what I got for one round it's going to take quite a few before I can do even 1 upgrade and there's lots of them to do.

There's a leader board and after 3 rounds I'm at 410 with 13500, but there are some with well over 250k, this quick really...

I managed to get an extra 600 for a 'frenzy' whatever that is as usual no (well very little) information on any part of it.

Not sure if this will last long or whether it'll get wrecked before that or even just be taken away from the grunts and only be available to those prepared to pay for it, like the forge.
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

Simple solution here, don't play it and it will disappear, hopefully.
Played it once and found that the requirements to improve are sooo far out of sight and the cost of goods in the 'Supplies Shop' are way over priced, I am not going back.
This new event now gives me an excuse to have a breather from the game.

Also noted that "Hit List" has now turned into another waste of time and effort.
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

There's nothing in it for players that doesn't want to cough up ridiculous amounts of money.

One other concern is do we get to keep what we earn between events or like exotics are we robbed of those rewards too???

As for cash grab, well, see below...
fury.PNG (298.11 KiB) Viewed 8368 times
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

Managed to do an upgrade on the gun :o still poor, only 23 more upgrades to do, and that one took me 2 days so do the math, I can do 1 or maybe 2 and that's it.

Don't even know if we get to keep it!
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

Well now it's over and it looks like you get to keep your 'Honour' for upgrading weapons, but will we get 'our' weapon back at the upgraded stage it was, and where did the currency for buying in the store go, way too disorganised this.
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Re: Survival Fury

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Staying on the sidelines and waiting to see how this all washes out is my choice. Maybe later it will tweak some interest when more is known.
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

Can't say I blame you, as usual no info forthcoming from GameLoft, as usual in case they got it all wrong again so they don't have to own up to that...
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

New round started, haven't played it again though, and it seems we do get to keep our spoils and weapon upgrades.

Not 100% feeling great at he moment so I'm keeping my play to a minimum and not bothering much with the game right now.
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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Re: Survival Fury

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Hope you conquer what ails you. Without health little else matters.
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

Look after yourself Decker, it is only a game and one must be healthy to play. Take it easy.
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

Thanks guys, it's appreciated, don't get this type of community on Disjoint :D

looks like I missed this event completely :D :D :D
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

Another round, and this time it's 4 to play and 20 in store, so we get 5 battles at a time, we need it, have you seen the cost in the store for things, sheesh.
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

Well I've managed 17 upgrades on the weapon so far, but as you upgrade the goons just get stronger and you go up a tier adding a point of a percent to hit points and score.

In short upgrading does not do the player much good, upgrading get more and more costly as you go, also no obvious way to upgrade to a new weapon once fully upgraded without paying stupid sums of cold hard cash again with no clue as to how much better it would be anyway!
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by GWD »

My, my. How clever GL is...or at least thinks it is.
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Re: Survival Fury

Post by Decker »

Well new Survival started and just to really make it not worth playing Battle Spoils now 'expire' at the end of the event, so what I had have now gone :evil:

Even the weapon is fully upgraded, which is pointless because as you upgrade the goons get stronger so there is no benefit.

Think this is an event I won't be bothering with from now on, well done GameLoft, you've just removed the only thing that made it worth playing...
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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