Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Corporal Kiwi New Zealand
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

If this event follows the last 3 stage, you will need 60 cores and 80 of each of the other 4 parts. So looking at what you have you should make it, as long as your drop rate evens out.
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by Decker »

Stage 3 - straight of a couple of WTF's...

First WTF - Chapter 1 wouldn't download, would get to 4M done and go back to zero :shock:

Second WTF - ad pops up going to the event, see screenshot...
WTF.PNG (460.19 KiB) Viewed 4102 times
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by Decker »

Now brace yourself, even more WTF's weapons affinity has improved, attributes still meh!

BUT just look at the upgrade requirements, this is nigh on impossible and definitely eye watering. :shock: :o
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Corporal Kiwi New Zealand
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by Corporal Kiwi »

Yeap, just done the calculation if GL don't sort it out. You will need a minimum of 384 Packs to complete the event, as your weak ink part normally drops at 10%-15% less you will probably need somewhere in the area of 410-430. The last time this happened, 3 multi events ago, GL gave a 3 day Deputy, I hope this happens again as the 3rd "Gift" or many will not be able to complete the event without spending a lot of real money.
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by Decker »

I'm hoping the board messenger carried the message to Discord - Dude! WTF!!! :o
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by GWD »

I have seen a number of updated, downdated, and misc. charts on Discord...none of which are the same. On top of that, GL won't reveal any data.

The topic has been asked on the "secret" channel. If I get a reliable chart (and have permission) it will be posted here.
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

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Here ya' go. From a non-GL source.

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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by GWD »

The natives are getting restless on Discord. Lots of complaints about the weapon requirements.

My advice is to wait a bit before pouring on the weapon parts. Maybe GL will put out a fix. Choice is 480 parts vs.1060 parts. Not sure that there are enough Deputies/time to come up with over a thousand parts.

GL's gift of a few Supreme Packs are a drop in the ocean.
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by Decker »

This is GameLofts lamest rip off ever.

Given the drops are rigged the chances of getting enough to finish the event are small, or you can get the cash out and buy loads of packs!

I get a feeling they're working on the live game again the pattern of the games crashing, loosing screen setup (as in which screen it's on and in what mode) is one I've seen before and was before something was changed.

Although I doubt they're making changes in the players favour, GameLoft need to drop something substantial to make it achievable, if they don't I can see a load more disgruntled players bailing.
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by Decker »

Now I know they're playing with the live game, several times tried chapter 2 mission 4 as I had came a across a sniper on the rear step that I could not kill, sure enough every time that sniper appeared fired a series of direct hits and no kill, then of course reload starts and he shoots...
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by GWD »

Hmmm...I didn't see the sniper thing when I played 2/4. Just lucky I guess. You might try barrage with XXIII equipped.

RE: GL ridiculous parts to complete Stage 3. Maybe they think the reward of 11* SMs justifies the requirements. It is not the weapon. A player on Discord upgraded the weapon to full, tried it on his base, and it fell flat. Couldn't kill anything but a gray drone with barrage. Oh, well...maybe it will be buffed after the event.
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by Decker »

Yeh, I think it's the SM's that are pushing events now, the weapon is pants which at this stage in the game should not be as bases get stronger.

I'm not sure whether to even pursue this one any further or not...
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by GWD »

OK, it is official. The Stage 3 Exotic Event will require 1060 parts. Reported by a SF operative.
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Decker Great Britain
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by Decker »

OK it's official. GameLoft have lost the plot!!!

354 packs to open if you get perfect drops, will never happen more like 708 pack required, they're bloody insane, this it a huge FU to all players.

Even a 24 hour deputy may get you 60-70 packs, under 6 days left would possibly get you around 350 packs or so, so still not even close, utter idiots.
Turns out I wasn't just old and grumpy - I was right to be pissed right off!
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GWD United States of America
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Re: Mirage 3 Stage Event - 11/10/2021

Post by GWD »

Here is an oddity for you. When doing Chapter 3 with XXIII the barrage was triggered...but there was no barrage! Instead slo-mo was started. Then after each kill the slo-mo automatically started over.

Just tried it again and shur-nuff, started slo-mo at the start and it lasted through the whole mission. Virtually a permanent slo-mo. Very strange.
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